
Football History

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The game of American football is filled with strategy, legendary figures, great teams, and amazing events that have created euphoria in fandom. We celebrate the game and its people. Here are some items of interest that capture the spirit of the gridiron.

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Only True NFL Fans Can Pass This Quarterback Quiz

Think you know your NFL history? This video puts your knowledge of iconic quarterbacks to the test! From the gunslingers of the past to the recent maestros,... —

Quarterback is by far the most high-profile position on the team. These guys are often considered the faces of the franchise, and nowhere is that more evident than in Big D.

The Dallas Cowboys have had some iconic players call signals over the span of the last 6 decades. This trivia question launches you back over that period of time to test your football knowledge.

Check it out and try your hand. When done scroll through and try the others we have in the system.

Football Mystery Quiz Big 12 and SEC Style

We are making football fun all year round and preserving gridiron history as, once again, another piece of trivia for a famous football player has been relea... —

It is time to jump-start the football side of your brain with a challenging question of gridiron history. Dust off the cobwebs because this question delves into the college game and two of the Poser Five Conferences.

The puzzle today is hangman-style where we will give clues and letters and light up the answer along the way.

Pause the TV, pull over the car, put the kids to bed, and test your knowledge on this little Pigskin Pop Quiz.

Solve the NFL Trivia Question!

Calling all NFL fans! We have something for you to occupy half a minute of your day to test your football knowledge.This trivia question about some Pro Footb... —

alling all NFL fans! We have something for you to occupy half a minute of your day to test your football knowledge.

This trivia question about some Pro Football Hall of Fame Players is challenging. You will need your best game-day face and all your wits to face this test.

This Pigskin Pop Quiz centers around Hall of Fame Players with busts in Canton. D you have enough gridiron knowledge to answer the bell?

Mind Blowing Football Trivia Question!

Here is a challenge to your football brain. We have three downs of trivia in this special format. Get one right. You have earned a first down. Get two right ... —

Watch to see if you're a gridiron encyclopedia! Ready to show off your football IQ? Hit that play button for the latest daily gridiron trivia question.

We push the boundaries of the football minds and memory banks each day with a challenging question, and today is no exception. Recharge your batteries and think of NFL football even in the off season.

Don't forget to like and subscribe for more football content!

Crazy Quirks of NFL Stars Quiz!

This is one of our more entertaining quiz questions yet! Test your NFL knowledge with this puzzler about a certain MVP QB from KC.Watch to see if you’re a gr... —

This is one of our more entertaining quiz questions yet!

Test your NFL knowledge with this puzzler about a certain MVP QB from KC.

Watch to see if you're a gridiron encyclopedia! Can you get this answer right to the puzzle. Ready to show off your football IQ? Hit that play button!

The First Iron Bowl Game February 22, 1893

February 22, 1893, is regarded as the first Iron Bowl, as Alabama played Auburn in Birmingham.We present this YouTube short on the game to preserve his legac... —

Alabama and Auburn played each other in what is, in essence, the 1st Iron Bowl. Only 450 people were at Birmingham's Lakeview Baseball Park on Feb. 22, 1893, to witness a 32-22 Auburn victory, per an story. Little did the handful of football fans on that winter day realize what would develop from the first game of these two eventual SEC powerhouses. The Iron Bowl is one of the most looked forward to matchups every season by college football fans.

The term Iron Bowl came from the venue where the game had been played for many years, Birmingham, Alabama's Legion Field. The City of Birmingham is known for its historic role in the steel industry, and these two top-flight college programs from the state of Alabama treated the crowds at Legion Field to some great memories. The game was predominantly played there from the late 1940s until 1989.

2023 saw the 88th time these teams had met, and with the narrow 27-24 Bama win where they overcame a 4-point deficit in the 4th and a 4th and goal on the 31-yard line, the Tide leads the series All-time series leads 50–37–1

How the Patriots Gained the New England Portion of Their Name

The New England Patriots are a household NFL name nowadays, but they almost were called by something slightly different that may have made them the butt of s... —

The New England Patriots are a household NFL name nowadays, but they almost were called by something slightly different that may have made them the butt of some rude commentary.

A 33-year-old new General Manager, Upton Bell, joined the franchise in the winter of 1971, just in time to intercept what may have been a naming catastrophe for the club. Upton Saved the day! Here is an excerpt from an interview with Upton in 2021, almost 50 years from the day this story took place.

Not able to tolerate the Bay Side Patriots being shortened to B.S. Patriots, Upton consulted management to use the New England moniker to embrace the region after the move from Boston to Foxborough.

Great story, and thanks to the legendary football icon Upton Bell for the content. for the Boston Globe headlines from February and March of 1971. Much appreciation for the talented Mike and Gene Monroe for the background tunes, and Canva and Wikimedia Commons for some great images.

The Curious Case of the Two-Yard Penalty A Bizarre Footnote in Football History

The 1906 season was a seminal season for rule changes. The forward pass became legal, as did the onside kick from scrimmage, the neutral zone entered the game, and the yards to gain for a first down doubled from five to ten. Those were among the significant changes in 1906, but there was another small change whose story is seldom told: the introduction of the two-yard penalty. —

Penalties are a regular occurrence in football, a constant tug-of-war between offense and defense. But sometimes, amidst the yellow flags and frustrated shouts, a penalty emerges that defies logic and leaves everyone scratching their heads. Today, we delve into one such oddity – the curious case of the two-yard penalty in American football history.

This podcast episode and article explore a specific instance where a very unusual penalty enforcement resulted in a mere two-yard loss. We'll dissect the situation, analyze the rule that led to such a peculiar outcome, and explore the reactions of players, coaches, and fans to this bizarre moment on the gridiron.

Was it a simple mistake by the officials? Did the specific situation create an unforeseen loophole? Perhaps it was a turning point in the evolution of penalty enforcement. Join us as we unearth the story behind the two-yard penalty, a historical footnote that serves as a reminder of the unexpected twists and turns that can occur in the ever-evolving world of football. So, buckle up and get ready for a lighthearted yet fascinating exploration of a truly odd penalty in football history!

-Transcripption of Football's 2-Yard Penalty with Timothy Brown

Hello, my football friends, Darren Hayes and Welcome once again to The Pig Pen, your portal to positive football history. It is Tuesday, and we are going to go into an archaeological dig that is a part of the great history of the gridiron. And our friend Timothy P. Brown of football archaeology is leading the way.

And we're going to talk about one of his recent tidbits on penalty enforcement, which is sort of an odd yardage. Tim, welcome to The Pig Pen. Hey, good evening, Darren.

Good to see you as always. And to hear your dulcet voice. Dulcet.

Well, that's one of the higher compliments. Usually, people say something else about my voice, especially family members. I don't know what's going on with that.

So I'll take that. I only have to listen to you a couple of times. That's true.

That's true. Well, Tim, you had a really fascinating tidbit back a couple of months ago, and it's on a very odd penalty yardage and under some special circumstances in football history that I think maybe we'd like to hear about this story. Yeah, so this is, you know, everybody knows that 1906 is a big year in terms of changing football rules, introduced forward pass, forward progress, you know, really is kind of fully, well, not fully developed, but pretty well developed that year.

You know, the onside kick from scrimmage, you know, I mean, there were just a host of different rule changes. However, one thing that people don't pay much attention to is the rule that limited captains to calling three timeouts per half. Until then, captains could call as many timeouts as they wanted.

There was no rule. But by kind of tradition and practice, and, you know, people did the right thing, they didn't call many timeouts. I mean, they basically called a timeout for injury.

And then occasionally, if they needed, if they needed, you know, just they needed a rest. You know, and this is, again, back when coaches couldn't coach the players during the game, their teammates couldn't yell instructions to them, nothing. It was, you know, you're out there on your own as a quarterback.

So, when they introduced that rule in 1906 if a team had called three timeouts or had had those timeouts called for them by the referee if they called a fourth timeout, they incurred a two-yard penalty. So, you know, this is one where, as far as I know, this is the only two-yard penalty in football history. And there was a caveat that you could, if you had called three, and you had a player injury, there could be another timeout without penalty.

So there could be a fourth due to injury. So, you know, it wasn't called very often, but it was called in 1906 in a game in Indiana that was beating Notre Dame, you know, 12-0 late in the game. And Notre Dame called a fourth timeout due to injury, but the referee penalized.

Now, you know, it's unknown at this time, you know, based on newspaper reports, was it because the ref just made an error, just didn't understand the rule, or because he thought the player was feigning an injury, right? So, one way or another, he calls it. And then it kind of, you know, I mean, at least in terms of newspaper reports, there's not, there's virtually no mention of these two-yard penalties for another 15 years or so. But then, in the early 20s, teams started huddling between plays.

And there were a lot of referees who didn't like teams huddling. They wanted them to keep, you know, immediately lining up on the line, calling the plays at the line, and, you know, executing. So, some of the referees started penalizing teams for huddling.

And again, this is one of these things; it's a little bit unclear exactly how they justified it, but it is likely that what they were doing was, you know, a team could huddle three times if they wanted to, but if they huddled a fourth time, in effect, the referee was interpreting that as you're taking a timeout, whether you call it or not. I'm basically treating this as a timeout when you huddle. And so the fourth time they huddle, boom, they get a penalty.

And so, you know, so that kind of sucked. And, like, you know, Penn got penalized six times against Alabama in 1922. So, in one game, they got six two-yard penalties.

So then you sit back and go, how big a deal is a two-yard penalty? You know, it's just not that big of a deal. And so what teams started doing then is to just say, if I need a break, I'm calling an extra penalty. I don't care.

You know, what am I going to do? Lose two yards? Yeah. Hell yeah. I mean, especially if you're down, whether you got to go two yards or 22 yards, what's the difference? Yeah.

So then, obviously, the refs and the rule makers didn't like that. So in 1924, they gave teams four timeouts per half, but then the fifth one would be a five-yard loss. And you know, same with six, seven, eight.

So, you know, that was the end of the two-yard penalty. But other than in 1930, 31, and that period, at that point, if there was a penalty on an extra point, it was committed by the offense. The offense lost the ball, and, you know, you went to the kickoff process.

They didn't get a chance to score, but the defense committed a penalty. Then the offense was credited with having made the extra point. And so they changed that in like 31.

And so they just changed it so that whatever penalties were incurred, the refs walked off whatever the typical, you know, whatever penalty yards they would have done during regular play. So, halfway to the goal line, or you had a 15-yard penalty, you got moved back to the 17, you know, whatever it was at the time. So yeah, the two-yard penalty led to a fairly short life.

Yeah. I always wonder because usually the penalty is that it fits the bill for whatever the foul was, you know, and they try to balance that out, and they've tweaked things around a little bit. You know, maybe they over-penalized certain things over the years, but a two-yard penalty, as we said earlier, is really no. There's no penalty to it.

You know, it's a big deal. The other thing I found interesting when I started officiating in the late 80s was when teams were just now starting to go to no-huddle. You know, Jim Kelly and the Bills were having some success at the pro level, and it was going right down to levels. And there were some older officials, especially umpires, who like to have time to set that ball, get, you know, set, you know, seven yards off the ball behind the linebackers.

So they're in a safe place. Well, they have these teams going up the line. They're having to drop that ball down and beat feet and get out of there before they get smoked, you know? And if the referee wasn't, was blown ready for play too early, that ball's getting snapped and things.

So, I can remember people and officials standing up at meetings. You know, when you have big rules meetings with the local coaches and all the local officials, when you have all the new rules, you have the same interpretation. So we're all on the same page; at least, that's what we did in Pennsylvania at the time. And, you know, there's, there's referees saying, Hey, you know, there should be a penalty for this.

You know, what do you mean? No, you aren't huddling. So it's funny how, you know, what is it 50, 60 years later, you know, we're, we're looking the exact opposite way. We're expecting teams to huddle.

And when they don't, we get mad. Yeah. Well, you know I've got a, I haven't written it yet, but I'm going to do a tidbit on I'm sure you've seen the, it's a 1903 two or three minute film of Yale and Princeton playing.

And so it's the first instance in which a football team has been captured playing football. And so it, it, that little film document, and you can find anybody can find it on YouTube. If you just put in a 1903 Princeton, Yale football movie or something like that, you'll find it right away.

And, like, the first part of it just shows guys running around and coming out of the locker rooms or whatever. But once you get into the actual play, you know, they execute a play and immediately get on the ball, running the quarterback call signals, boom, and run another play. And so, you know, that's just evidence of how they did that at the time.

And that's because that's what they did in rugby. You know, you, somebody, you know, got tackled or whatever, they set the ball down and boom, you just get going again, you know, you line up and play. And so there was no rule about that.

You know, the rule about 25 seconds or 30 seconds didn't come into play until 1926 or so because of huddling. Right. I mean, they wanted to make sure that the pace of play remained somewhat normal.

But until then, it was all just tradition. You know, you, that's how you play football. You got up and you, you know, you played, you know, it's kind of like pitch count or, you know, the pitch clock kind of a thing, you know, it's gotten so crazy that now they need to, you know, they need to have a timer to stop players from, you know, rubbing their nuts for, for two minutes up there at the plate.

All right. So it's, if you think about it, those are really two kinds of interesting, it's an interesting parallel, the pitch clock versus the, you know, the ready for play and, you know, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, whatever it is, you know, depending on the league. You're right.

There's another early film. It's got to be that same, and I think it's 1903. Also, there's a Michigan film out there.

Right, right. Same thing. But of course, that's the point a minute team of, you know, of Fielding Yoast going on there too.

So, but I can remember there's one play in there where the guy gets hurt, and he's at the bottom of the pile, and they're in such a hurry to keep the game going. They just drag him by his legs off the sideline, and he goes off a second later. And that happened all the time, you know, just because, you know, because there was no substitution at that point, you know, guys would be laying there on the side of the, you know, in the backfield just, you know, they could, they'd lay there for a minute or two and played, continue, you know, just nuts.

Yeah. I keep meaning, I got to load up some of those, those YouTubes of that, that we'll put them on the site here in the next couple of weeks. So they're interesting to see.

And so listeners, you can, you can check them out there or, you know, go to, I know Library of Congress has them, YouTube has them. They're public domain. So they're real easy to get to.

So well, Tim, that's a that's a fascinating story on this two-yard penalty and the history of it. And you know, it's evolution, and thank God it's riddance out of the game of football. And you know, you have a lot of different little stories like this that are sort of off the beaten path, but really vital parts of football history that were important in the era that they happened.

And we sure are glad that you're going back and looking at these, researching them, and giving all the facts each and every night on something. So if you could, maybe you could share with the listeners how they could, you know, share in these tidbits that you put out each night also. Yeah, sure.

Thanks. Yeah. I mean, it's my site is You can also follow me on Twitter at footballarchaeology.

So, you know, on Twitter, it's going to be kind of hit or miss whether you see what I post or not. Whereas in, you know, if you subscribe on the website, you'll get an email every night with that night's post. And then obviously you can always just go to the site and there is a search function there.

If there's a specific topic in football history that you're interested in, just go in there and put in the keywords. See if you find anything. If you don't, shoot me in the message and I'll, you know, maybe it's out there and you just didn't find it or it didn't get, you know, it didn't enter the right words, but happy to always looking for topics, always looking for new things to or old things to research.

Right. The new and old things. All right.

Timothy P. Brown, Make sure you check out his site and his tidbits each and every day and listen to him each and every Tuesday right here on Tim, thanks a lot. And we will talk to you again next week. Great.

Thank you again, Darin.

Transcribed by

A Journey Through American Football History

American football, a game deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the United States, has evolved significantly since its inception. From its humble beginnings in the late 19th century to becoming the nation's most beloved sport, football has witnessed changes that have not only shaped the game but also the very society that cherishes it.

Photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash |AD


This article delves into the rich history of American football, exploring key milestones that have marked its evolution and its impact on fans and players alike. Join us as we take a journey through the gridiron's past, understanding the transformations that have made the sport what it is today.

The Birth of American Football

The origins of American football can be traced back to the late 1800s, a period that saw the transformation of rugby and soccer into a new, distinct sport. It was Walter Camp, known as the "Father of American Football," who played a pivotal role in shaping the early rules that distinguished American football from its predecessors.

The introduction of the line of scrimmage, the concept of downs, and the scoring system were revolutionary changes that laid the foundation for modern football. These early days were characterized by a rudimentary form of play, far removed from the structured and strategic game we see today, yet they were crucial in setting the stage for the sport's future development.

The NFL's Formative Years

As the sport gained popularity, the need for a formal organization became evident, leading to the establishment of the National Football League (NFL) in 1920. Initially comprising just 14 teams, the NFL struggled with challenges such as player recruitment, financial instability, and lack of public interest. However, it gradually overcame these obstacles, thanks in part to strategic decisions around NFL standings and the NFL Draft system, which was implemented to maintain competitive balance among teams.

This era also saw the emergence of stars who would become legends, individuals whose prowess on the field began drawing crowds and shaping the future of the league.

The Golden Age of American Football

The post-World War II era marked a golden age for the sport, as American football witnessed unprecedented growth in popularity. Technological advancements, such as the introduction of television broadcasts, brought the game into the homes of millions, creating a nationwide fanbase. Additionally, quarterbacks like Johnny Unitas and Joe Namath helped take the game from a run-dominated sport to a more balanced one.

This period also saw the rise of the Super Bowl in the late 1960s, an annual championship game that quickly became a cultural phenomenon. The NFL's savvy marketing strategies, coupled with the electrifying performances of its athletes, solidified football's place as a central pillar of American entertainment.

Modern Innovations and the Future of Football

In recent years, American football has continued to evolve, embracing technological innovations and addressing challenges such as player safety and diversity. The use of instant replay, advances in protective gear, and the implementation of strict concussion protocols reflect the league's commitment to safeguarding its players.

Moreover, initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion within the sport signal a progressive shift in the NFL's approach to social issues. As the league looks to the future, it remains dedicated to enhancing the game's integrity, competitiveness, and appeal to fans around the world.


The history of American football is a testament to the sport's resilience, adaptability, and enduring appeal. From its early days on college campuses to its current status as a professional sporting behemoth, football has captivated the hearts of Americans across generations. The evolution of the gridiron mirrors broader societal changes, reflecting the nation's struggles, triumphs, and cultural shifts.

As we look back on the journey of American football, it's clear that the game is more than just a sport; it's a piece of American history, a narrative of progress and passion that continues to unfold. As fans, players, and stewards of the game, we carry forward the legacy of those who have shaped its past, eager to see how the story of American football will evolve in the years to come.

Fan Experience - Was the Hot Dog Named Because of a Football Game?

We present this YouTube Short on the story of the Hot Dog’s possible naming to preserve his legacy and part in American Football History.Much appreciation fo... —

From the crowd's roar to the thrill of the game, American football is a sport that ignites passion and excitement. But beyond the touchdowns and tackles, there's a unique culinary and fan experience that has become synonymous with the gridiron. Let's explore the delicious history of football fare, where the aroma of hot dogs and the crunch of popcorn fill the stadium air, creating a symphony of flavors that perfectly complement the action on the field.

The sights and smells of a ballgame are an experience in themselves. From the bat's first crack to the crowd's roar, the stadium pulsates with an energy fueled by more than just the action on the field. It's the shared experience, the rituals, and the food. Think of it: the aroma of grilling burgers mingling with the buttery scent of popcorn, the salty crunch of peanuts, and the cheesy goodness of nachos, all washed down with ice-cold beer or soda. And then there's the star of the show, the quintessential ballpark treat, the one that’s as much a part of the game as the pennant waving in the breeze or the foam finger cheering a home run: the hot dog. But how did this iconic tube of meat earn its name? The story behind the hot dog's moniker is a surprisingly flavorful tale, and it's about to be served up.

The old saying goes that you can't teach an old dog a new trick. That may be true, but what if the dog is of the Frankfurter breed? Can we call them something different? Who named it the term hot dog anyway?

Most of us have eaten, purchased, or seen hot dogs sold at a football game at one point or more. I know the old Chevy commercials would like to make us believe that baseball is the sport associated with apple pie and hot dogs; the marketing department at the General Motors division may be surprised by what sports connection history holds for the hot dog.

No one knows precisely who named the hot dog, but one story in football history should interest us. It says that famous New York Journal cartoonist Tad Dorgan attended a gridiron contest at the Polo Grounds one fall afternoon in the early 1920s. While there, he observed a food vendor, Harry Stevens, selling the "hot dachshund sausages" during a game at the New York stadium and shouting, "Get your red-hot dachshund sausages!"

When Dorgan later tried to create the story in the newspaper, he found that, like most of us, he had no idea how to spell the word dachshund, so knowing the loosely connected English translation, he expressed it in print as, "Get your red-hot dogs!"

Some experts say this was an urban legend as the print of Dorgan's story or cartoon has never surfaced or been located. Other leads say that Americans transcribed the dachshund naturally and publicly into the work hot dog from the dachshund. Still, for a story on football history, the first one is much more fun!

A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: Legendary storyteller Paul Harvey for the inspiration,, and Wikipedia
The banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of a vendor standing next to his Tellas Busy Bee cart, advertising 'Red Hot Frankfurters and Ice Cold Lemonade' traffic a blur in the background.Citation/Reference: circa April 8, 1936. Contributed by Berenice Abbott, taken by an unknown.
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