
Football Legend

How the Patriots Gained the New England Portion of Their Name | The New England Patriots are a household NFL name nowadays, but they almost were called by something slightly different that may have made them the butt of some rude commentary.

Football Legend
Football Legend

How the Patriots Gained the New England Portion of Their Name

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-02-10

The New England Patriots are a household NFL name nowadays, but they almost were called by something slightly different that may have made them the butt of some rude commentary.
(Image credit: www.youtube.com, i.ytimg.com)

A 33-year-old new General Manager, Upton Bell, joined the franchise in the winter of 1971, just in time to intercept what may have been a naming catastrophe for the club. Upton Saved the day! Here is an excerpt from an interview with Upton in 2021, almost 50 years from the day this story took place.

Not able to tolerate the Bay Side Patriots being shortened to B.S. Patriots, Upton consulted management to use the New England moniker to embrace the region after the move from Boston to Foxborough.

Great story, and thanks to the legendary football icon Upton Bell for the content. Newspapers.com for the Boston Globe headlines from February and March of 1971. Much appreciation for the talented Mike and Gene Monroe for the background tunes, and Canva and Wikimedia Commons for some great images.

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About "How the Patriots Gained t...Name" 🡃
Category:Football Legend
Video:Football History Minute, Gridiron Legends
Football Name:Upton Bell
Football Team:New England Patriots
#FootballLegend #FootballHistoryMinute #GridironLegends #UptonBell #NewEnglandPatriots

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