
Football History

Only True NFL Fans Can Pass This Quarterback Quiz | Quarterback is by far the most high-profile position on the team. These guys are often considered the faces of the franchise, and nowhere is that more evident than in Big D.

Football History
Football History

Only True NFL Fans Can Pass This Quarterback Quiz

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-04-21

Quarterback is by far the most high-profile position on the team. These guys are often considered the faces of the franchise, and nowhere is that more evident than in Big D.
(Image credit: www.youtube.com, i.ytimg.com)

The Dallas Cowboys have had some iconic players call signals over the span of the last 6 decades. This trivia question launches you back over that period of time to test your football knowledge.

Check it out and try your hand. When done scroll through and try the others we have in the system.

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About "Only True NFL Fans Can Pa...Quiz" 🡃
Category:Football History
Football Name:Don Meredith, Roger Staubach, Tony Romo, Troy Aikman
Football Team:Dallas Cowboys
Sports:football trivia
#FootballHistory #DonMeredith #RogerStaubach #TonyRomo #TroyAikman #DallasCowboys #FootballTrivia

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