The Football Archaeology of Piling On
Historian Timothy Brown Tells of How at One Time Piling On Was Legal and Almost Encouraged By Football Rules
ref. The Football Archaeology of Piling On
Football Archaeology Before End Zones
Historian Timothy Brown Tells of How at One Time there were No Such Thing as End Zones on a Football FIeld
ref. Football Archaeology Before End Zones
Bobby Layne
The Football Archaeology on the Position Flexibility of NFL Player Bobby Layne
ref. Bobby Layne
First Down Signal
Timothy Brown explains the history of the official first down signal in football
ref. First Down Signal
Football Archaeology of Stripes
Why are there stripes on some footballs? Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology Enlightens us.
ref. Football Archaeology of Stripes
Lights and Loudspeakers
The Football Archaeology on the Stadium Lights and Sound with Timothy Brown
ref. Lights and Loudspeakers
Helmet Composition Evolution
From Leather to Plastic, the Football Archaeology of Helmets with Timothy Brown
ref. Helmet Composition Evolution
1915 Brown University Team
The Football Archaeology of the 1915 Brown University Football team with historian Timothy Brown
ref. 1915 Brown University Team
High Scoring Coe College
The Football Archaeology of Another Point-A-Minute Team with Timothy Brown
ref. High Scoring Coe College
Odd Line Formation
The Football Archaeology of the Reverse Center with Timothy Brown
ref. Odd Line Formation
Early Combines?
The Football Archaeology of the 1965 AFL Redshirt Draft with Timothy Brown
ref. Early Combines?
1938 Heisman Winner
The Football Archaeology of Davey O'Brien, short in stature but a giant on the field in 1938 with Timothy Brown
ref. 1938 Heisman Winner
Reduced Roster Football
The Football Archaeology of Six Man Football with Timothy P Brown
ref. Reduced Roster Football
Big Man on Campus
The Football Archaeology of the Largest Players in Football Before 1920
ref. Big Man on Campus
Gerald Ford
The Football Archaeology of Early Michigan Idealistic Swings
ref. Gerald Ford
First Fake Field Goal?
The Football Archaeology of Fielding Yost Kicking Innovations with Timothy P Brown
ref. First Fake Field Goal?
Tie Games and NFL Titles
The Football Archaeology of How Tie Games Concerned the 1932 NFL Title
ref. Tie Games and NFL Titles
Two-Yard Penalty
The Football Archaeology of the Legendary Two-Yard Penalty
ref. Two-Yard Penalty
Tossing for Two
The Football Archaeology of the 1st Forward Pass Conversion of an Extra Point with Timothy P. Brown
ref. Tossing for Two
Protection Below
The Football Archaeology of Early Football Pants Evolution
ref. Protection Below
Mowing them Down!
The Football Archaeology of Early Lawn Care and Field Maintenance with Timothy P. Brown
ref. Mowing them Down!
Football`s Origin
When Did the Game of American Football Actually Start Being Played?
ref. Football`s Origin
Tennessee Formation
The Football Archaeology of the Sidesaddle QB Formation of Tennessee
ref. Tennessee Formation
Living Seniorlessly
The Football Archaeology of the 1906 season where New Rules Limited Seniors
ref. Living Seniorlessly
The Snow Game of 1925
When Iowa and Wisconsin met in 1925 the weather conditions made for a turnover-fest
ref. The Snow Game of 1925
Uniform Emblems
The Football Archaeology of Team Logos Front and Center on the Front of the Jersey
ref. Uniform Emblems
Penalties Near the Goal Line?
The Longest Half the Distance Penalties All-Time with Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology
ref. Penalties Near the Goal Line?
Visitors and Guests
How the Opponents of the Home Team Are Identified on Scoreboards Across America with Timothy P. Brown
ref. Visitors and Guests
Multi Colored Digits
The Football Archeaology of Two-Tone Jersey Numbers with Timothy P. Brown
ref. Multi Colored Digits
Press Box History
The Football Archaeology of the History of Gridiron Communications and Journalist Perches
ref. Press Box History
How the YMCA Helped Football Thrive
ref. YMCA
Story of the Scoreboard
Arthur Irwin The Designer of the Scoreboard with Timothy P Brown
ref. Story of the Scoreboard
Bowl Game Glory
The Georgia Tech Grand Slam of Bowl Game Wins - Timothy Brown
ref. Bowl Game Glory
All-America Selections
The Football Archaeology of the 1936 Eddie Dooley All-America Picks
ref. All-America Selections
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