Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology joins us again this week to educate us on another aspect of football. This week we chat about the high-scoring squad of Coe College back in 1914.
High Scoring Coe College
Coe College is a small institute for higher learning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that was founded in 1851. They started a football progranm in the early twentieth-century. Out of over a hundred some odd years of fielding a gridiron eleven though the most memorable team in Coe's history is the Point-A-Minute football team of 1914.
As Tim shares and the Coe website portion on football history confirms. In the 5 Iowa Conference Championship games the Crimson and Gold actually maintained an average of a trifle over a point a minute throughout the twenty quarters of play.
"This famous team was coached by Moray Eby, whom the Eby field house was named in honor of. During his career, his teams battled such formidable forces such as Notre Dame, Illinois, and Wisconsin. However, the team of 1914 did not have many men to participate; the varsity team was comprised of only 22 men, lead by Glenn "Straw" Bailey, who gained 355 yards in only six plays during one game."
In the podcast episode above historian Timothy P. Brown explains who that was through his careful research through the newspapers and periodicals that carried such early gridiron coverage. Check out the original article on Tim's pages:
Today's Tidbit... Coe College's 1914 Point-A-Minute Team
You can learn more on Tim's posts and subscribe to his Daily Tidbits and more there too.
A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: Timothy Brown and his FootballArchaeology.com website.
Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Photograph of Action at Miami-Denison football game 1914.