
Football Archaeology of Coach

Timothy Brown answers the question of who was the first football coach.

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Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology joins us again this week to educate us on another aspect of football. This week we chat about when was the term of "Coach" first used in the game of the gridiron.

We have all rown up realizing that the most recognizable leader of a football team is generally the coach. They make the gameplans, train the players, and make the decisions important to a team's success. Tim Brown and his ever inquisitive mind asked, who was the first coach, or at least who was the first to be called a coach in the game of football.

In the podcast episode above historian Timothy P. Brown explains who that was through his careful research through the newspapers and periodicals that carried such early gridiron coverage. Check out the original article on Tim's pages:

Today's Tidbit... The First “Football Coach"

You can learn more on Tim's posts and subscribe to his Daily Tidbits and more there too.

A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: Timothy Brown and his website.

Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Coach Joe Thompson and Athletic Director Charles Miller - 1912 University of Pittsburgh

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