Do you love to uncover some of the little mysteries of the history of sports? Our friend Timothy P. Brown surely does and he enjoys sharing the findings with us!
Tossing for Two
Tim uncovers what he beleives may be the first instance of the forward pass being used to score an extra point. Here is the link to the full Tidbit The First Extra Point Conversion by Forward Pass?
Timothy Brown's shares a daily football factoid that is interesting in a short read. They uniquely preserve football history, and we are quite happy that Tim has agreed to join us each week to review some of his Today's Tidbits. Click that link, and you can subscribe for free to receive them.
Football Archaeology
Timothy Brown's is a website dedicated to preserving pigskin history. digs into gridiron history to examine how football’s evolution shapes today's game. The site has a variety of articles, history of football word origins, and Daily Tidbits, which have a daily football factoid that shares some quite interesting items and aspects of the gridiron in a short read. They preserve football history in a very unique way Visit the site at Today's Tidbits.A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: Timothy Brown and his website.
Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Picture Georgia Tech Auburn football game Thanksgiving 1921. Forward pass in a football game. This game against Auburn was played on Thanksgiving Day. Georgia Tech won 14-0. It is possibly Jack McDonough who is throwing the football. Other players of note on the 1921 team were Red Barron and Judy Harlan.