
College Football Programs

Pitt Panthers Football History | Strap on your gold and blue and get ready to delve into Pitt Football's rich tradition! This series will be your comprehensive guide, exploring the triumphs, trials, and legendary figures that have shaped the program for over a century.

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College Football Programs

Pitt Panthers Football History

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-05-21
Strap on your gold and blue and get ready to delve into Pitt Football's rich tradition! This series will be your comprehensive guide, exploring the triumphs, trials, and legendary figures that have shaped the program for over a century.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

From the early days under coaching giants like Pop Warner and Jock Sutherland, who laid the foundation for Pitt's gridiron success, we'll travel through time, revisiting iconic moments. We'll celebrate the unmatched spirit of the "Steel City" faithful, who have consistently filled the stands with unwavering support.

Prepare to relive championship glory as we dissect Pitt's claim to nine national titles, a testament to the program's enduring legacy. We'll meet the legendary players who donned the blue and gold, leaving their mark on Pitt Football and the entire sport. Players like Tony Dorsett, the electrifying running back, and Dan Marino, the iconic quarterback, will come alive through their stories and achievements.

This series won't shy away from the challenges, either. We'll explore periods of rebuilding and the coaches who navigated them. But through it all, we'll see the unwavering spirit of Pitt Football and its ability to overcome adversity and rise to new heights.

Playlist "Pitt Panthers Football History"
Select:YouTube Videos (1)

Sub-Category:About Sports, College HOF, Football Archaeology, Football Hall of Fame, Football History
Football Team:Pitt Panthers

About "Pitt Panthers Football History" 🡃
Category:College Football Programs
DOB:March 22, March 27
EventDay:March 22, March 27
NCAAF Jersey:Number 01, Number 11, Number 45, Number 75, Number B4, Number 87
NFL Jersey:Number 04, Number 11, Number 13, Number 20, Number 28, Number 33, Number 57, Number 65, Number 74
Sub-Category:About Sports, College Bowl Games, College HOF, Football Archaeology, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Greatest College Games
Football History:1930s
Football Name:Clark Shaughnessy, Curtis Martin, Dan Marino, Herb Stein, Hube Wagner, Jimbo Covert, Jock Sutherland, Joe Donchess, Joe Schmidt, Johnny Majors, Larry Fitzgerald, Larry Kelley, Marshall Goldberg, Rickey Jackson, Sammy Baugh, Tony Dorsett
Football Position:Head Coach, center, end, guard, halfback, linebacker, tackle, wide receiver
Football Team:Arizona Cardinals, Buffalo All-Americans, California Golden Bears, Canton Bulldogs, Chicago Bears, Chicago Maroons, Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Fordham Rams, Frankford Yellow Jackets, Los Angeles Rams, Maryland Terps, Miami Dolphins, Michigan Wolverines, Minnesota Golden Gophers, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints, New York Jets, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Pitt Panthers, Pottsville Maroons, San Francisco 49ers, Stanford Cardinal, TCU Horned Frogs, Tennessee Volunteers, Tulane Green Wave, Washington Commanders, Washington Redskins
Football:Heisman winner, Western Pennsylvania
School:University of Pittsburgh
Sports:College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame, football
Other Keywords:College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame
#CollegeFootballPrograms #AboutSports #CollegeBowlGames #CollegeHOF #FootballArchaeology #FootballHallOfFame #FootballHistory #GreatestCollegeGames #ClarkShaughnessy #CurtisMartin #DanMarino #HerbStein #HubeWagner #JimboCovert #JockSutherland #JoeDonchess #JoeSchmidt #JohnnyMajors #LarryFitzgerald #LarryKelley #MarshallGoldberg #RickeyJackson #SammyBaugh #TonyDorsett #HeadCoach #WideReceiver #ArizonaCardinals #BuffaloAllAmericans #CaliforniaGoldenBears #CantonBulldogs #ChicagoBears #ChicagoMaroons #DallasCowboys #DetroitLions #FordhamRams #FrankfordYellowJackets #LosAngelesRams #MarylandTerps #MiamiDolphins #MichiganWolverines #MinnesotaGoldenGophers #NewEnglandPatriots #NewOrleansSaints #NewYorkJets #NotreDameFightingIrish #PittPanthers #PottsvilleMaroons #StanfordCardinal #TCUHornedFrogs #TennesseeVolunteers #TulaneGreenWave #WashingtonCommanders #WashingtonRedskins #HeismanWinner #WesternPennsylvania #UniversityOfPittsburgh #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame

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