
Football History

The 1937 Pro Football Season History Rewind | In 1937, gridiron history saw two leagues duke it out. In the established NFL, Canton's "Monsters of the Midway" roared to an undefeated season, only to falter in the championship game against the Washington Redskins, led by rising star Sammy Baugh.

Football History
Football History

The 1937 Pro Football Season History Rewind

By Darin Hayes 📅 2023-11-23

In 1937, gridiron history saw two leagues duke it out. In the established NFL, Canton's "Monsters of the Midway" roared to an undefeated season, only to falter in the championship game against the Washington Redskins, led by rising star Sammy Baugh.
(Image credit: upload.wikimedia.org)

Meanwhile, the rival AFL witnessed the Los Angeles Bulldogs become the first-ever West Coast champs with a perfect, undefeated record. Though short-lived, the AFL served as a springboard for Cleveland's Rams, who joined the NFL the next year. This season also saw the formation of the Oorang Indians, an all-Native American team sponsored by a dog kennel, adding a unique note to the year's gridiron tapestry. Buckle up, football fans, 1937 was a wild ride in the early days of professional football!

Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons , courtesy of the Los Angeles Daily News of American Pro Football League game between the Los Angeles Bulldogs (dark jerseys) and the Rochester Tigers at Gilmore Stadium. The exciting game kept the 17,000 fans on their toes and ended with a victory for the Bulldogs, who defeated the Tigers 48–21.

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About "The 1937 Pro Football Sea...ewind" 🡃
Category:Football History
Football History:1930s
Football Name:Sammy Baugh
Football Team:Los Angeles Bull Dogs
#FootballHistory #SammyBaugh #LosAngelesBullDogs

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