
Football By Numbers

Famous NFL Players That Wore the Jersey Number 4 | The number 4 on an NFL jersey might not scream "superstar" at first glance. But dig a little deeper, and you'll discover a rich history filled with legendary quarterbacks, clutch kickers, and some surprising stories! This series delves into the fascinating careers of the men who wore number 4, exploring their on-field dominance, iconic moments, and lasting impact on the game.

Football By Numbers
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Football By Numbers

Famous NFL Players That Wore the Jersey Number 4

By Darin Hayes 📅 2023-11-12
The number 4 on an NFL jersey might not scream "superstar" at first glance. But dig a little deeper, and you'll discover a rich history filled with legendary quarterbacks, clutch kickers, and some surprising stories! This series delves into the fascinating careers of the men who wore number 4, exploring their on-field dominance, iconic moments, and lasting impact on the game.

(Image credit: Google Gemini Generated)

Who will you find under the number 4 spotlight? Prepare to be surprised by a diverse group of players, from modern-day gunslingers like Dak Prescott to clutch kickers like Morten Andersen. We'll revisit the eras they dominated, the plays that etched their names in history, and the legacies they left behind.

Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual observer, this series has something for everyone. Join us as we celebrate the iconic athletes who wore number 4, the unforgettable moments they created, and their unique contributions to the ever-evolving game of football.

NFL Jersey:Number 04
Sub-Category:About Sports, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Football Legend
Football:pro jersey numbers

About "Famous NFL Players That W...ber 4" 🡃
Category:Football By Numbers
NCAAF Jersey:Number 01
NFL Jersey:Number 01, Number 03, Number 04, Number 07, Number 10, Number 11, Number 14, Number 15, Number 66, Number 92
Sub-Category:About Sports, Fo, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Football Legend
Football Month:June History
Football Name:Bart Starr, Brett Favre, Don Hutson, Eli Manning, Ernie Nevers, Mel Hein, Phil Simms, Ray Flaherty, Ray Nitschke, Reggie White, Tony Canadeo, Tuffy Leemans, Ward Cuff, Y.A. Tittle
Football Position:quarterback
Football Series:NYG-100
Football Team:Atlanta Falcons, Chicago Cardinals, Duluth Eskimos, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants, New York Jets, Stanford Cardinal, Stanford Indians
Football:pro jersey numbers, retired NFL Jersey Numbers
Sports:Pro Football Hall of Fame, college football, football
#FootballByNumbers #AboutSports #FootballHallOfFame #FootballHistory #FootballLegend #JuneHistory #BartStarr #BrettFavre #DonHutson #EliManning #ErnieNevers #MelHein #PhilSimms #RayFlaherty #RayNitschke #ReggieWhite #TonyCanadeo #TuffyLeemans #WardCuff #YATittle #AtlantaFalcons #ChicagoCardinals #DuluthEskimos #GreenBayPackers #MinnesotaVikings #NewYorkGiants #NewYorkJets #StanfordCardinal #StanfordIndians #ProJerseyNumbers #RetiredNFLJerseyNumbers #ProFootballHallOfFame #CollegeFootball

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