
Football Legend

Frankford Yellow Jackets A bio on Frankford Pro Football | July 25, 1924 - The Frankford Yellow Jackets franchise was established and played in the NFL from 1924 through 1931. And where is Frankford? It is in the northeastern section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The team's origin can be traced back to 1899 as the Frankford Athletic Association.

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Football Legend

Frankford Yellow Jackets A bio on Frankford Pro Football

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-07-31
July 25, 1924 - The Frankford Yellow Jackets franchise was established and played in the NFL from 1924 through 1931. And where is Frankford? It is in the northeastern section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The team's origin can be traced back to 1899 as the Frankford Athletic Association.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

This early FAA had a membership fee of $10 per person., no small fee at that time when the average U.S. weekly wage was less than $13.00! The proceeds of the membership fee were to go to charity. Local charities such as the Frankford Hospital and the local Boy Scouts were known to receive donations from the Jackets. The Frankford team won the NFL Championship in 1926. But they were also a part of removing a championship from a rival a year earlier in 1925.

The Yellow Jackets protested a nonleague game that the Pottsville Maroons had played in their territory, Philadelphia, against the Notre Dame All-Stars. The League investigated this territorial rights issue, and the Maroons were found guilty of territory infringement; thus, they were suspended, giving the Chicago Cardinals the 1925 title. Unfortunately, in the early 1930s, the Jackets slipped into deep financial woes and were sold in bankruptcy court.

In his February 25, 2021 interview, our friend Upton Bell told us that his parents, Bert Bell and Francis Upton, purchased the struggling franchise and renamed them the Philadelphia Eagles!

Sub-Category:About Sports, Football History, NFL Teams
Football Team:Frankford Yellow Jackets, Philadelphia Eagles
Pro Football:defunct teams

About "Frankford Yellow Jackets...tball" 🡃
Category:Football Legend
Sub-Category:About Sports, Football History, NFL Teams
Football Name:Bert Bell, Guy Chamberlin, Hap Moran
Football Team:Frankford Yellow Jackets, Frankford Yellow jackets, New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, Pottsville Maroons
Football:NFL Champions
Pro Football:defunct teams
Other Keywords:NFL franchise origin
#FootballLegend #AboutSports #FootballHistory #NFLTeams #BertBell #GuyChamberlin #HapMoran #FrankfordYellowJackets #FrankfordYellowJackets #NewYorkGiants #PhiladelphiaEagles #PottsvilleMaroons #NFLChampions #DefunctTeams

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