
NFL Teams

Chicago Bears NFL Franchise History | The Chicago Bears, one of the NFL's most iconic franchises, boast a rich history with surprising beginnings. Contrary to their fierce mascot, the Bears' origin stemmed not from gridiron dominance, but from an unlikely source: a laundry products company team.

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Chicago Bears NFL Franchise History

By Darin Hayes 📅 2025-03-22
The Chicago Bears, one of the NFL's most iconic franchises, boast a rich history with surprising beginnings. Contrary to their fierce mascot, the Bears' origin stemmed not from gridiron dominance, but from an unlikely source: a laundry products company team.

(Image credit: upload.wikimedia.org)

In 1919, a young George Halas and a group of friends, were employed at the A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company. The manufacturer sponsored a baseball and later a football team to not only market the brand but to keep their employees in good shape of body and mind. This led to the venture into the burgeoning sport of professional football. With a mere $5,000 investment, they formed the Decatur Staleys, named after A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company, which sponsored the team.

The Staleys played their first game on September 19, 1920, against the Rock Island Independents. Despite losing 6-10, the game marked the launch of an extraordinary journey.

In 1921, the team relocated to Chicago, kept the Staleys name for another year per an agreement with he manufacturer as Halas would assume ownership, and in honor of the nickname "Cubs," the city's beloved baseball team chose a suitable moniker to match. Inspired by the powerful and athletic grizzly bears roaming the Midwest, Halas opted for the iconic "Bears" nickname in 1922, solidifying their identity.

The following years saw the Bears navigate financial struggles and player turnover. Yet, under Halas's steady leadership, the team gradually gained traction. In 1925, they achieved their first winning season and earned their first NFL Championship title in 1940.

From humble beginnings as a wrestling promoter's side project, the Chicago Bears emerged as a powerhouse of professional football. Their journey, fueled by perseverance and a fierce mascot, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the "Monsters of the Midway."

Playlist "Chicago Bears NFL Franchise History"

Sub-Category:About Sports, Football By Numbers, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Original APFA teams
Football Team:Chicago Bears

About "Chicago Bears NFL Franchi...story" 🡃
Category:NFL Teams
DOB:March 22
NCAAF Jersey:Number 22, Number 58, Number 69, Number 75
NFL Jersey:Number, Number 03, Number 05, Number 06, Number 07, Number 13, Number 18, Number 21, Number 22, Number 28, Number 34, Number 40, Number 41, Number 42, Number 51, Number 56, Number 61, Number 66, Number 74, Number 77, Number 82, Number 88
Video:Gridiron Legends
Sub-Category:About Sports, Football By Numbers, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Original APFA teams
Author:Chris Willis, Joe Ziemba
Football Event:Staley Swindle
Football History:1930s
Football Name:Alan Page, Bobby Layne, Bronko Nagurski, Bulldog Turner, Dan Fortmann, Doc Spears, Doug Atkins, Gale sayers, George Halas, George McAfee, Jimbo Covert, Joe Stydahar, Ken Strong, Red Badgro, Red Grange, Sid Luckman, Walter Payton
Football Position:center, end, head coach, tackle
Football Team:Arizona Cardinals, Buffalo All-Americans, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cardinals, Cleveland Browns, Columbia Lions, Decatur Staleys, Detroit Lions, Duke Blue Devils, Kansas Jayhawks, Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Pitt Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Portsmouth Spartans, Racine Legion, Texas Longhorns, West Virginia Mountaineers
Football:NFL Champions, retired NFL Jersey Numbers, scandal
Sports:College Football Hall of Fame, NFL, Pro Football Hall of Fame, college Football, football, pro Football, pro football
Other Keywords:College Football Hall of Fame, Jackson State, NFL Jersey:Number 81. NFL Jersey:Number 83. NCAAF Jersey:number 91, Pro Football Hall of Fame
#NFLTeams #GridironLegends #AboutSports #FootballByNumbers #FootballHallOfFame #FootballHistory #OriginalAPFATeams #ChrisWillis #JoeZiemba #StaleySwindle #AlanPage #BobbyLayne #BronkoNagurski #BulldogTurner #DanFortmann #DocSpears #DougAtkins #GaleSayers #GeorgeHalas #GeorgeMcAfee #JimboCovert #JoeStydahar #KenStrong #RedBadgro #RedGrange #SidLuckman #WalterPayton #HeadCoach #ArizonaCardinals #BuffaloAllAmericans #ChicagoBears #ChicagoCardinals #ClevelandBrowns #ColumbiaLions #DecaturStaleys #DetroitLions #DukeBlueDevils #KansasJayhawks #MinnesotaVikings #NewYorkGiants #NotreDameFightingIrish #PittPanthers #PittsburghSteelers #PortsmouthSpartans #RacineLegion #TexasLonghorns #WestVirginiaMountaineers #NFLChampions #RetiredNFLJerseyNumbers #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame #CollegeFootball #ProFootball #ProFootball

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