
Best AFC East and North Fight Songs

Help us select the best Fight Song from each division in the NFL

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In this episode of the Football Fun Facts, we will go through some of the most notable NFL Team Fight Songs of all time and we want your help in determining the top franchise song of all time. Up this time is the AFC divisions of the North and East teams.

Music is such an important gift that we are given in life. It helps us remember, to forget and make us feel good. It can take a person on an emotional roller coaster of sadness, hapiness and even motivate. Music in football is almost as old as the game itself and there are many stories over the ages where a battle hymn seemingly pushed a team to victory.  We are going to take a look at some of the top songs for each NFL team and have you participate for the coming weeks on what the top NFL fight song is.

In this edition we will look at the songs of the AFC North and East Divisions, and at the end you our readers will vote for your favorite of the 8.

AFC East

Buffalo Bills - The team from Western New York has a spun off version of a classic song in their favorite fight song, Bills Shout.

Miami Dolphins - In Southern Florida the anthem enjoyed most for the Aqua and Orange is tthis little ditty simply called, the Miami Dolphins Fight Song.

New England Patriots - The folks up around Boston have there own tune that is whistled around Beantown. The New England Patriots Fight Song  by DJ Komet.

New York Jets - The Gang Green bunch in the Big Apple have a song that gets the Jets faithful fired up on Sunday afternoons. It is called J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!


AFC North

Baltimore Ravens - The fans down in Maryland play this melody during the pre-game tailgate partirs near the Inner Harbor of Ravens-land titled, the Baltimore Fight Song.

Cincinnati Bengals - The folks in the Southwest conrner of Ohio roar this emotional battle hymn on game days, Bengals Growl.

Cleveland Browns - In the opposite corner of the state of Ohio, the Cleveland faithful shout this battle cry song in their stadium near Lake Erie, Hi-O, Hi-O for Cleveland.

Pittsburgh Steelers - Western Pennsylvanians fire up the masses in stadium with the legendary Styx song called Renegade, but the bands on the poutside a striking up this famous 1978 polka, Jimmy Pols, Steelers Fight Song.

Now its your turn to take a couple of seconds and choose the Best Fight Songs from the AFC East and one from the AFC North

Or Send us an email with your selections at

Okay now that you have heard these 8 NFL teams fight songs it is time for you to get to work on your vote below for the Best Fight Song.

The picture in the banner above is from the Wikimedia Commons collection and is called Marching band at Miami-Wilmington football game 1912 taken by an unknown photographer.

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