
NFL Teams

Washington Football From Braves to Redskins to Commanders | Founded in 1932 as the Boston Braves, the Washington Commanders, originally named the Redskins, have traversed a complex and controversial history riddled with both moments of gridiron glory and social struggle. Here's a glimpse into their journey:

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Washington Football From Braves to Redskins to Commanders

By Darin Hayes 📅 2025-03-17
Founded in 1932 as the Boston Braves, the Washington Commanders, originally named the Redskins, have traversed a complex and controversial history riddled with both moments of gridiron glory and social struggle. Here's a glimpse into their journey:

(Image credit: upload.wikimedia.org)

Early Days and Championship Victories (1932-1970):

Formed by George Preston Marshall, the team quickly changed name and location, becoming the Washington Redskins in 1937.
Despite early financial struggles, the 40s and 50s saw championship triumphs fueled by iconic players like Sammy Baugh and Otto Graham.

Stagnation and the Rise of Controversy (1971-2019):

From the 70s onward, the team experienced sustained mediocrity, with sporadic playoff appearances and inconsistent coaching.

Despite the controversy, superstars like John Riggins and Joe Theismann emerged, bringing moments of excitement.

Super Bowl Glory and Name Change (2020-Present):

Finally, in 2020, bowing to mounting pressure, the team dropped the "Redskins" moniker and became the Washington Football Team.
Under Coach Ron Rivera, a renewed focus on defense and culture reignited hope.
In 2022, a rebranding exercise resulted in the current name, the Washington Commanders.

Beyond the Gridiron:

The Commanders' history is intertwined with social and cultural debates. The "Redskins" name controversy sparked national conversations about racial sensitivity and team mascots. The franchise's commitment to social justice initiatives reflects a changing landscape in American sports.

Playlist "Washington Football From Braves to Redskins to Commanders"
Select:YouTube Videos (2)

Sub-Category:About Sports, College HOF, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Football Legend
Football Team:Washington Commanders, Washington Redskins

About "Washington Football From...nders" 🡃
Category:NFL Teams
NCAAF Jersey:Number 01, Number 16, Number 22, Number 45, Number 50
NFL Jersey:Number 01, Number 09, Number 10, Number 11, Number 14, Number 15, Number 17, Number 22, Number 26, Number 28, Number 33, Number 40, Number 44, Number 70, Number 74, Number 77, Number 78, Number 79, Number 81, Number 9
NFL Number:Jersey 97
Video:Gridiron Legends
Sub-Category:About Sports, College HOF, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Football Legend
Footbal Team:Philadelphia Eagles
Football Month:February History, January History
Football Name:Art Monk, Bullet Bill Dudley, Chris Zorich, Clark Shaughnessy, Cliff Battles, Darrell Green, DeSean Jackson, Dick Modzelewski, Doug Williams, Eddie leBaron, George Allen, George Preston Marshall, Joe Kapp, John Riggins, Paul Krause, Sammy Baugh, Sonny Jurgensen, Wayne Millner
Football Position:Head Coach, defensive back, defensive line, quarterback, safety, wide receiver
Football Team:BC Lions, Boston Braves, Boston Redskins, Cal Golden Bears, Calgary Stampeders, Chicago Bears, Chicago Maroons, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Duke Blue Devils, Iowa Hawkeyes, Los Angeles Rams, Maryland Terps, Minnesota Vikings, New York Giants, New York Jets, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Pacific Tigers, Philadelphia Eagles, Pitt Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Stanford Cardinal, TCU Horned Frogs, Tulane Green Wave, Washington Commanders, Washington Redskins
Football:NFL Champions
Sports:Canadian Football Hall of Fame, College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame, football, pro football
Other Keywords:Grambling, NFL Jersey 35, NFL franchise origin, footb
#NFLTeams #GridironLegends #AboutSports #CollegeHOF #FootballHallOfFame #FootballHistory #FootballLegend #PhiladelphiaEagles #FebruaryHistory #JanuaryHistory #ArtMonk #BulletBillDudley #ChrisZorich #ClarkShaughnessy #CliffBattles #DarrellGreen #DeSeanJackson #DickModzelewski #DougWilliams #EddieLeBaron #GeorgeAllen #GeorgePrestonMarshall #JoeKapp #JohnRiggins #PaulKrause #SammyBaugh #SonnyJurgensen #WayneMillner #HeadCoach #DefensiveBack #DefensiveLine #WideReceiver #BCLions #BostonBraves #BostonRedskins #CalGoldenBears #CalgaryStampeders #ChicagoBears #ChicagoMaroons #ClevelandBrowns #DallasCowboys #DetroitLions #DukeBlueDevils #IowaHawkeyes #LosAngelesRams #MarylandTerps #MinnesotaVikings #NewYorkGiants #NewYorkJets #NotreDameFightingIrish #PacificTigers #PhiladelphiaEagles #PittPanthers #PittsburghSteelers #StanfordCardinal #TCUHornedFrogs #TulaneGreenWave #WashingtonCommanders #WashingtonRedskins #NFLChampions #CanadianFootballHallOfFame #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame #ProFootball

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