
Football Hall of Fame

Ernie Stautner Hall of Fame Steeler | Born April 20, 1925, in Prinzing-By-Cham, Bavaria, was the stout defensive tackle from Boston College, Ernie Stautner was born.

Football Hall of Fame
Football Hall of Fame

Ernie Stautner Hall of Fame Steeler

By Darin Hayes 📅 2023-04-20
Born April 20, 1925, in Prinzing-By-Cham, Bavaria, was the stout defensive tackle from Boston College, Ernie Stautner was born.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

The Pittsburgh Steelers chose Ernie with the second overall selection in the 1950 NFL Draft per the Pro Football HOF website. Stautner anchored a formidable D-line in the steel city for 14 seasons. He was chosen as an All-NFL player four times in the back half of the 1950’s, winning the honor of best NFL lineman in 1957 and played in nine Pro Bowl games.

Stautner recovered 23 opponents' fumbles and took part in creating 3 safeties during his dominant career. Ernie Stautner was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1969.

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About "Ernie Stautner Hall of Fa...eeler" 🡃
Category:Football Hall of Fame
NFL Jersey:Number 70
Football Name:Ernie Stautner
Football Team:Pittsburgh Steelers
Sports:Pro Football Hall of Fame, football
#FootballHallofFame #ErnieStautner #PittsburghSteelers #ProFootballHallOfFame

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