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Talking Packers & Football History Literature with Guest John Maxymuk | Author and Historian John Maxymuk has written over a dozen books and 30 articles published on gridiron history. His subject matter spans from his favorite NFL team the Green Bay Packers, to his neighbors the Philadelphia Eagles, New York Giants and beyond.

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Talking Packers & Football History Literature with Guest John Maxymuk

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-03-15

Author and Historian John Maxymuk has written over a dozen books and 30 articles published on gridiron history. His subject matter spans from his favorite NFL team the Green Bay Packers, to his neighbors the Philadelphia Eagles, New York Giants and beyond.
(Image credit: Generated Google Gemini)

A Librarian at a prestigious university, John is no stranger to good literature, and to combine that with a passion for football history, Maxymuk is a bank filled with knowledge.

Maxymuk also dabbles in creating some cards of football legends and shares them in a blog post of his dedicated to the Green Bay Packers called: Packers Past Perfect. We are happy to be able to record a recent conversation with John and talk a little football.

Please note the links below to John's books are through the Pigskin Dispatch Affiliate link, and purchasing through them helps fund this website.

John Maxymuk's books include the following titles on Amazon:

Packers by the Numbers

Eagles by the Numbers

Quarterback Abstract

Uniform Numbers of the NFL

Biographical History of the NFL Coaches

Strong Arm Tactics

Pioneer Coaches of the NFL

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About "Talking Packers & Footbal...xymuk" 🡃
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Author:John Maxymuk
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