Greatest Play in Football History

Football History | A Look at Both Sides of Football’s & Possibly Sports History’s Most Famous Play, the Immaculate Reception —

The Immaculate Reception is a legendary play in NFL history. It took place during the 1972 AFC Divisional Playoff game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Oakland Raiders at Three Rivers Stadium. With time running out and the Steelers trailing, quarterback Terry Bradshaw threw a desperate pass downfield that was deflected by Raiders safety Jack Tatum. The ball bounced off Steelers receiver John Fuqua and into the waiting arms of running back Franco Harris, who miraculously caught the ball just inches above the ground and ran the remaining 42 yards for the game-winning touchdown.

This improbable play, which occurred in the final seconds of the game, propelled the Steelers to their first-ever playoff victory and marked a turning point in their franchise history. The Immaculate Reception is considered one of the most iconic moments in NFL history and remains a source of pride and celebration for Steelers fans to this day.