
The Shifting Identity of Ole Miss Mascots and their Origins

College Football Mascot Origins | The Shifting Identity of Ole Miss Mascots and their Origins
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College Football Mascot Origins

The stories behind how college football teams got their mascots that we associate with them.

The Shifting Identity of Ole Miss Mascots and their Origins

The University of Mississippi, affectionately known as Ole Miss, boasts a rich athletic history intertwined with a complex mascot evolution. Their journey, from the unassuming "Greys" to the controversial Colonel Reb and the ongoing search for a permanent symbol, reflects changing social landscapes and the university's efforts to grapple with its past.

The origin of "Rebels" as the official athletic nickname is a straightforward story. In 1936, a student newspaper contest solicited suggestions, with "Rebels" emerging victorious. This moniker likely paid homage to the university's earlier athletic teams, known as the "University Greys," a reference to the Confederate soldiers' uniforms.

However, the mascot story took a more contentious turn with the introduction of Colonel Reb. The image, featuring a white-goateed, cane-wielding plantation owner, first appeared in the 1930s. While some saw Colonel Reb as a symbol of Southern pride, critics condemned the racist connotations associated with the imagery. This debate intensified over time, culminating in the mascot's official retirement in 2010. In its place a black bear named "Rebel" is the current mascot on the sidelines.

Following Colonel Reb's departure, Ole Miss entered a period of mascot flux. A black bear was unofficially adopted but never officially embraced by the fanbase. In 2017, a student vote favored the "Landshark," a satirical reference from a Saturday Night Live skit. However, this option lacked widespread support and failed to gain traction.

Today, Ole Miss remains without an official mascot. The "Ole Miss Rebels" nickname persists, a testament to its historical roots. Yet, the ongoing search continues. The ideal mascot should embody the university spirit – resilience, determination, and excellence – while remaining free from divisive connotations.

The Ole Miss mascot saga highlights the ever-evolving nature of collegiate mascots. They are more than just costumed figures; they serve as powerful symbols that resonate with fans and represent the university's identity. As Ole Miss continues its quest for a new mascot, it grapples with its past, aiming to strike a balance between tradition and inclusivity.
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