We have a new Project to preserve Sports History; Orville Mulligan: Sports Writer that we would like to let you know about, and get your feed back on.
Orville Mulligan
Remembering the past is so ultimately important. So we are always trying to find new ways to preserve football and sports history. 2022 is an ambitious year for Pigskin Dispatch as we want to present you with new avenues to learning about the past. One of these is a project where I have teamed up with fellow Sports History Network Podcast Host, Os Davis on, in our Number 80 Productions venture, Orville Mulligan: Sports Writer.
Orville Mulligan: Sports Writer is an audio drama formatted podcast that will take the listener back to the era of the Roaring 1920s, of which many refer to as the Golden Age of Sports. Our protagonist, Orville is a fictional young man, at the dawn of sports journalism that bumps into some of the biggest athletic icons in the world at the time. We take real people and historic sporting events of the time and engage our characters in that world so that the listener hears and feels the legendary moments as close as we can get to if they were actually there.
To accomplish such a feat we are blessed to be associated with some very talented actors, musicians, sound technicians and directors. These productions come at a cost and we need your assistance to help us fund season one, to get these folks compensated for their talents. We have established an OMSW Kickstarter Campaign to do so, but do not ask you to fund it blindly. In the Kickstarter letter we have included the Pilot episode for the formal introduction of characters as well as Part One of our Roaring Chicago portion of the Orville Mulligan 1924 story. Please give these both a listen and then judge for yourselves if Orville Mulligan: Sports Writer is worthy of your patronage, and possibly some funding to help us continue the series. We think you are going to love it.
So please visit the Kickstarter campaign on Orville Mulligan and also subscribe to the series on your favorite podcast provider.
The photo in the banner is called, "The fin de siècle newspaper proprietor" from Fredrick Burr Opper 1894 on Wikiamedia Commons.