Andrew Brown founded the Football Video Archive website, Pats Dynasty, and other great Gridiron projects.
Pats Dynasty Site: a website cataloging the dynasty era New England Patriots. With stats, graphs and highlight videos.
Pats Dynasty Podcast: Anrew and his Brothers go back and rewatch all of the dynasty era games and doing an episode on each one. They started in 2001 and we're currently working our way through the 2005 season.
QB TDs Site: a website that charts out all of the TDs thrown by the top 10 QBs in NFL history. There's also a related site ( for just Tom Brady's TDs, which has video highlights of each pass. And which I use to create infographics for all the top QBs and to whom they've thrown TD passes.
The most recent (and ambitious) project is the Pro Football Archive site that I'm building with some other NFL historians. We're currently collecting as many game videos pre-2009 as we can (since that's as far back as the NFL offers) and putting them all in one place. So far we have over 1,000 hours of game video on the website, and we're working on expanding it to have more content like articles and interviews as well.