
A Curse on Buffalo Sports?

Author Greg Tranter presents the Buffalo Sports Curse
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Our friend historian and author Greg Tranter brings us another beauty on Western New York Sports in a book titled the Buffalo Sports Curse.

Here is Greg's synopsis on the book:

Buffalo has NEVER won a universally recognized championship in any of the four major professional sports leagues. Most sports fans are familiar with three events in Buffalo sports history that went against Buffalo, “Wide Right,” “No Goal,” and “Homerun Throwback.” But these events only highlight a deeply engrained “Buffalo Sports Curse.” Through meticulous research, author Greg D. Tranter has identified that a “Curse” of Buffalo professional sports definitely exists, and it goes all the way back to 1901.

The book delves into the history of each major professional Buffalo sports team, in the four major sports, back to the beginning of the 20 th century. The book outlines 32 specific events in Buffalo sports history that portray the significance and expansiveness of the “Buffalo Sports Curse.” The “Curse” has affected every major league professional team in Buffalo sports history. The book analyzes the close calls, blown calls, injuries, deaths, nefarious back office dealings,maladies and weird happenings that have occurred at just the wrong time to keep Buffalo from winning that elusive championship. A “Curse” is just too pronounced to ignore and now this book brings it to life.

Give a listen to Greg in the podcast below and while you do that order a copy of his book  Buffalo Sports Curse, and enjoy!


The banner photo is of Jim Thorpe with the New York Giants of the National League of Baseball, at the Polo Grounds ready to bat in 1913. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons and taken by the Bain News Service.

A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: On This Day Sports, the Sports Reference's family of website databases &

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