
Football Word Origins

Author Timothy P Brown has a new book out on the origins of gridiron words and terms

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Where Did These Words Come From?

Oh, the words we use in football. No not the four-letter variety, but the descriptive verbiage we use that for our spouses, may sound like some foreign tongue. Timothy Brown of Football Archaeology has taken a deep dive into 400 of these football words and has written them down in a new book, titled Hut! Hut! Hike! : The History of Football Terminology

Hut! Hut! Hike! Football and its word origins book

We say and hear them all the time, words that are relevant to the game of football, many that are unique only to the sport itself. Who came up with them? Where did these terms originate from? Why do we use them today? Thank God for a man like an author Timothy P. Brown and his passion for gridiron research. As we all know, Tim gets to the root of football questions like these and does the Football Archaeology until he uncovers the facts.

The cover of Timothy P. Brown's latest football book, Hut! Hut! Hike!

Mr. Brown has recorded his research findings and is prepared to share them in his latest book Hut! Hut! Hike! : The History of Football Terminology.
References to over 400 pieces of terminology are in this literary work. The author often provides entertaining stories, descriptions, and even photos to enlighten the reader. Terms like first down, blocking sled, shotgun formation, red shirt, on-side kick, and so many more! If you are anything like me, I didn't even imagine that so many terms specific to the game.
Hut! Hut! Hike! : The History of Football Terminology is an easy-to-understand book of the style where a reader can jump in anywhere, look up a word, or read it cover to cover in page order.
Tim's book is an excellent gift for the football fan in your life, whether they are a seasoned veteran or just beginning their football fandom.


A Very Special thanks to information obtained from the following brilliant internet sites: Timothy Brown and his website.

Banner photo is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons of Lining up for a snap during 1972 Oklahoma at Iowa State game.jpg
Opposing lines before a snap during the 1972 Oklahoma–Iowa State game. Among the players are Iowa State middle linebacker Ted Jornov (#55) and Oklahoma quarterback Dave Robertson (#15). ISU Yearbook student photographer

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