One our Sports History Network Sponsors Keith Avallone of Plaay Classic Games visits the Pigpen to tell us about his exciting games called Second Season Pro Football and Fury Football, in our continual search to find the gridiron inspired hobbies, games and collections.
You have probably heard the ads that many of us involved with the Sports History Network have aired lately for Plaay Games. They are a great sponsor and we are glad to have them but what they do at PLAAY, well quite frankly it fits right in with what we do here in the Pigpen on Saturdays, and that is talk about football inspired games, hobbies and collections. So what is PLAAY Games?
Realistic board game re-creations of professional football, hockey, baseball, NASCAR, golf and more--they cover nine sports in all, with a tenth--basketball--coming in 2022!
You can re-live great seasons of the past, create "what-if" match-ups from different eras, and MUCH more! It's FUN!
If you're into sports history, you need to click your way over to check out what they have to offer in entertainment.
We are so happy that Keith Avallone had a few minutes to join us in the Pigpen to talk about his very unique company and their very cool products. Since this is a football website we will hone in on PLAAY's gridiron offering:
SECOND SEASON Pro Football Simulation Board Game, hailed by fans all over the world as the most true-to-life pro football board game they've ever played! SECOND SEASON has been entertaining and engaging pro football board game fans since the 1990's. If you're new to the world of pro football board games, we'd like to encourage you to join in the fun, with SECOND SEASON Pro Football Board Game!
On the PLAAY Website it says that:
"A game book is used in conjunction with yearbooks containing complete team-by-team ratings of players from a variety of pro seasons past and present. Each team is represented on its own "team card." On the team card, each player--from all-star to third-string scrub-- is individually rated to reflect his own unique set of playing abilities, with all the necessary data arranged in a logical, easy-to-read manner. Together, these pro football board game materials allow you to enjoy real pro football action, using individual players and teams, anytime, anywhere!"
Maybe a fast paced football inspired board game is you cup of tea? Well PLAAY CLassic has one of those for you too in their Fury Football.
Fury Football is a fast-playing alt-sport strategy game designed for solo play—but also great head-to-head if you’re the competitive type. Pick your team, arrange your lineup, call the plays, and watch the action unfold on your tabletop.
The picture in the banner above is from the website in the football section which shows Second Season Pro. Courtesy Keith Avallone.