
NFL Teams

Milwaukee Badgers Short-Lived NFL Franchise | June 24, 1922 - Milwaukee Badgers franchise forms and plays from 1922 through 1926.

NFL Teams
NFL Teams

Milwaukee Badgers Short-Lived NFL Franchise

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-06-24
June 24, 1922 - Milwaukee Badgers franchise forms and plays from 1922 through 1926.

(Image credit: milwaukeerecord.com)

According to the SqueakyCurd.com the Badgers ended their 5 seasons, with a total record of 16-27-6, including only one season above .500 and one season at 0-6. The Borchert Field at Athletic Park in fact became the stop for the Green Bay Packers when they played their home games in Milwaukee after the Badgers demise. The most famous story according to the article of the Badgers may be the infamous 1925 Chicago Cardinals scandal.

Apparently the Cardinals scheduled two extra games at the end of the 1925 season in an effort to have a better win loss record that the Pottsville Maroons so that the NFL title could be claimed. The Badgers who had already disbanded at this time were resurrected by some crafty Chicago football folks that allegedly gathered some highschool, suited them up as the Badgers and then fed them to the Cardinals only to be whallopped 59-0. This win put the Cardinals ahead of the Maroons in the win-column, and with it the championship title. Our friend and Chicago Cardinals historian Joe Ziemba tells us though that the Cardinals , and any other NFL team, could schedule as many games as they wanted up until December 20, 1925 (when the season officially ended).

Of course, there are several other underlying stories in play here, including the Pottsville team playing in a game forbidden by Joe Carr and the Cardinals refusing the 1925 NFL championship at the league meeting in February of 1926. But as historians such as Joe Horrigan and Chris Willis have pointed out, the Cardinals did indeed have the best record in 1925 and should be recognized as the NFL champs. Joe will give us more detail in on this story of the Caridnals versus Badgers saga in his new book that is in the works, that is yet untitled. I can't wait for that one! As far as the Badgers and their lack of success though, it was not for lack for talent, as their roster featured three future hall of famers in Jimmy Conzelman, Johnny “Blood” McNally, and Fritz Pollard. They were open to anyone with skills, and employed one of the largest contingencies of black players in the league. For whatever reason, they simply just didn’t put it all together with "W's."

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About "Milwaukee Badgers Short-L...chise" 🡃
Category:NFL Teams
NFL Defunct Team:Milwaukee Badgers
Football Name:Fritz Pollard, Jimmy Conzelman, Johnny Blood McNally
Football Team:Milwaukee Badgers
Pro Football:defunct teams
Sport:football, pro football
#NFLTeams #MilwaukeeBadgers #FritzPollard #JimmyConzelman #JohnnyBloodMcNally #MilwaukeeBadgers #DefunctTeams #ProFootball

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