The helmet's color scheme has remained consistent over the years, with gold as the primary color, representing the state's rich mineral resources. This is paired with black, which adds a touch of sophistication and contrast. The "CU" cutout within Ralphie's silhouette is a subtle nod to the university's name and has been a feature of the helmet for decades.
The shade of gold has varied from a straight gloss version to a metallic, goldleaf shell base color. Recent version of the headgear have seen glos and matte black shells with a gold logo, and even gray and white base shells with goldm gray and black "Ralphies" on the side.
While there have been minor variations in the design over time, such as changes in the helmet brand or the addition of decals, the core elements have remained unchanged. The Colorado Buffaloes helmet is a testament to the program's tradition and a symbol of the state's pride.