
Football History Minute Videos

Innovation of Safer Gridiron Shoes to Athletic Empire | February 15, 1929 - A new sporting goods company is founded. The Riddell Company was established by John T. Riddell, a high school football coach and Athletic Director who started by making better, safer football cleats in 1922. Not long after, John went all in and became a pioneer in athletic safety equipment.

Football History Minute Videos
Football History Minute Videos

Innovation of Safer Gridiron Shoes to Athletic Empire

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-02-15

February 15, 1929 - A new sporting goods company is founded. The Riddell Company was established by John T. Riddell, a high school football coach and Athletic Director who started by making better, safer football cleats in 1922. Not long after, John went all in and became a pioneer in athletic safety equipment.
(Image credit: www.youtube.com, i.ytimg.com)

Riddell is quoted on the website: “When we started, there was no game history. In wet weather, players have a foot problem. Leather cleats nailed to the bottom of a shoe just won’t cut it. And if the local cobbler is too busy to fix them, it’s “Sorry Boys.” This necessity prompted Coach Riddell into action and eventually led to the formation of the company that bears his name.

Today, Riddell equipment is found on almost every gridiron field; helmets, shoulder pads, and accessories are designed to keep players safe.

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