
Football Hall of Fame

John Madden Hall of Fame Coach

Football Hall of Fame
Football Hall of Fame

John Madden Hall of Fame Coach

By Darin Hayes 📅 2023-04-16

Born April 10, 1936, was Pro Football Hall of Fame Head Coach John Madden. Madden was 103-32-7 in 10 seasons  from 1969 through the 1978 season as the Oakland Raiders head coach. Madden led the Black and Silver to become Super Bowl XI champions. He later worked as a TV commentator from 1979 to 2008 and is a 16-time Emmy Award winner. Madden worked for all four major networks in his career (CBS, FOX, ABC and NBC) and was an analyst for 11 Super Bowls. Madden retired from broadcasting in April 2009, and his final game as a broadcaster was Super Bowl XLIII, when the Steelers defeated the Cardinals 27-23. John Madden was chosen to be enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame for his contributions of being a coach and I am sure the things he brought to televeision braodcasts are not overlooked.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

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About "John Madden Hall of Fame Coach" 🡃
Category:Football Hall of Fame
Football Name:John Madden
Football Position:head coach
Football Team:Las Vegas Raiders, Oakland Raiders
Sports:Pro Football Hall of Fame, football
#FootballHallofFame #JohnMadden #HeadCoach #LasVegasRaiders #OaklandRaiders #ProFootballHallOfFame

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