
College HOF

Joe Utay | Born May 2, 1887, in St. Louis, Missouri, was the halfback from Texas A&M from 1905 to 1907 Joe Utay. The FootballFoundation.org shares that in the three seasons that Utay played with the Aggies the school had a 19-4-1 record.

College HOF
College HOF

Joe Utay

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-05-02
Born May 2, 1887, in St. Louis, Missouri, was the halfback from Texas A&M from 1905 to 1907 Joe Utay. The FootballFoundation.org shares that in the three seasons that Utay played with the Aggies the school had a 19-4-1 record.

(Image credit: www.chron.com, s.hdnux.com)

What Utay did for the gridiron after his playing days were over was truly remarkable. Utay graduated in 1908, went to law school, and was a practicing attorney in Dallas for 55 years. He returned to Texas A&M in 1912 and served one year as freshman football coach and director of athletics.

That same year he founded the Texas Officials Association, and he was its president 1912-36. In 1914 he helped found the Southwest Conference. Still seemingly finding some times on his hands Joe wrote the Southwest review of each football season in the NCAA Guide for 25 years. The College Football Hall of Fame proudly placed a display in honor of Joe Utay into their legendary museum in 1974.

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About "Joe Utay" 🡃
Category:College HOF
Football Name:Joe Utay
Football Team:Texas A&M Aggies
Sports:College Football Hall of Fame
#CollegeHOF #JoeUtay #TexasA&MAggies #CollegeFootballHallOfFame

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