
Football History

November 17 - The Heidi Game Anniversary | Sunday night, November 17, 1968, was a night of football excitement. The New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders were locked in a fierce battle on NBC. With just over a minute left in the fourth quarter, the Jets held a narrow 32-29 lead. As the network cut to a commercial break, fans eagerly awaited the final moments of the game, popcorn bowl in hand.

Football History
Football History

November 17 - The Heidi Game Anniversary

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-11-17

Sunday night, November 17, 1968, was a night of football excitement. The New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders were locked in a fierce battle on NBC. With just over a minute left in the fourth quarter, the Jets held a narrow 32-29 lead. As the network cut to a commercial break, fans eagerly awaited the final moments of the game, popcorn bowl in hand.
(Image credit: www.youtube.com, img.youtube.com)

However, when the commercial break ended, the football game was nowhere to be found. Instead, the screen was filled with the image of Heidi, a children's movie. Fans were left bewildered and frustrated. In the pre-internet era, there was no way to quickly find out what had happened. The only source of information was the local newspaper, which would report the shocking outcome the next day.

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