
Football History

Mind Blowing NFL Draft Trivia Question | he 1982 draft wasn't all hype! It is amazing when we look back at the selections from long-ago Drafts and use the results of careers to judge in hindsight. Uncover the Hall of Famers drafted alongside the busts. Can you name the order they were selected?

Football History
Football History

Mind Blowing NFL Draft Trivia Question

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-04-25

he 1982 draft wasn't all hype! It is amazing when we look back at the selections from long-ago Drafts and use the results of careers to judge in hindsight. Uncover the Hall of Famers drafted alongside the busts. Can you name the order they were selected?
(Image credit: www.youtube.com, i.ytimg.com)

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Much appreciation to the talented Mike and Gene Monroe for the background tunes and Canva and Wikimedia Commons, Newspapers.com, and Pro Football Reference for some great images and information.

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