
Football History

First Professional Night Football Game Nov 6, 1929 | On November 6, 1929, just days after the stock market crash that heralded the start of the Great Depression, the Providence Steam Roller made history in the NFL. The team became the first franchise to be granted permission to host a game at night under floodlights, marking a significant moment in the league’s evolution. The game was scheduled at the Cycledrome in Providence, Rhode Island, a venue that had previously been a hub for sports entertainment.

Football History
Football History

First Professional Night Football Game Nov 6, 1929

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-11-06
On November 6, 1929, just days after the stock market crash that heralded the start of the Great Depression, the Providence Steam Roller made history in the NFL. The team became the first franchise to be granted permission to host a game at night under floodlights, marking a significant moment in the league’s evolution. The game was scheduled at the Cycledrome in Providence, Rhode Island, a venue that had previously been a hub for sports entertainment.

(Image credit: upload.wikimedia.org)

The Steam Roller, who had won the 1928 National Championship, faced challenges heading into the 1929 season. Several key players left the team for better-paying jobs, prompting the franchise to seek new ways to boost fan attendance. The night game was seen as a potential draw to bring in paying spectators. At the time, the highest-paid player on the team was Jimmy Conzelman, who played quarterback and also served as the team’s coach, earning $292 per game.

However, heavy flooding at the Cycledrome forced the game to be moved to Kinsley Park. The portable floodlights were also relocated, and the first-ever NFL night game was played between the Steam Roller and the Chicago Cardinals. Despite losing 16-0, the game drew 6,000 fans, a welcome sight after a season of low attendance. In 1930, permanent floodlights were installed at the Cycledrome, though players experienced pay cuts to help offset the costs of the new lighting.

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