
Football Hall of Fame

Willie Lanier A Legendary Line Backer | Born August 21, 1945 - Clover, Virginia - Willie Lanier the a linebacker from Morgan State University from 1963 to 1966 was born. Lanier earned first team All-America honors after his junior season under the instruction and training of Hall of Fame coach Earl Banks.

Football Hall of Fame
Football Hall of Fame

Willie Lanier A Legendary Line Backer

By Darin Hayes 📅 2024-08-21
Born August 21, 1945 - Clover, Virginia - Willie Lanier the a linebacker from Morgan State University from 1963 to 1966 was born. Lanier earned first team All-America honors after his junior season under the instruction and training of Hall of Fame coach Earl Banks.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

Willie was a member of some great Morgan State squads that went to bowl games in 1965 and 1966, winning both and holding opponents to 0 total yards offense in the 1965 game. Yes ZERO yardage in a bowl game! That same 1965 season, Lanier led a stubborn defense that held opponents to 129 yards rushing all season and 732 yards in total offense. In 1966, as an offensive guard, he used his strength to open holes for the offense, which rushed for 2,220 yards in eight games, per FootballFoundation.org.

Lanier still holds the school record for tackles in a game with 26. Willie Lanier is remembered in the College Football Hall of Fame for his outstanding play. After college "Honey Bear" played pro ball for the Kansas City Chiefs where he was a five-time all-pro middle linebacker. Years later, in 1986, Willie Lanier was elected into the Professional Football Hall of Fame. To learn more about the great Willie Lanier make sure to get a copy of our friend Joe Zagorski's book on the player titled, America's Trailblazing Middle Linebacker: The Story of NFL Hall of Famer Willie Lanier .

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About "Willie Lanier A Legendary...acker" 🡃
Category:Football Hall of Fame
NFL Jersey:Number 63
Football Name:Willie Lanier
Football Team:Kansas City Chiefs, Morgan State Bears
Sports:College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame, football, pro football
#FootballHallofFame #WillieLanier #KansasCityChiefs #MorganStateBears #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame #ProFootball

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