
Football History

January 4, 1981 - The Red Right 88 Game | The January 4, 1981, AFC Divisional Playoff game between the Cleveland Browns and the Oakland Raiders will forever be etched in NFL lore, not just for the frigid temperatures – one of the coldest games ever played – but for a heartbreaking finish. A tightly contested game saw the Raiders hold a narrow 7-6 lead at halftime. In the fourth quarter, the Raiders extended their advantage with a touchdown drive capped by Mark van Eeghen's second rushing score.

Football History
Football History

January 4, 1981 - The Red Right 88 Game

By Darin Hayes 📅 2025-01-04
The January 4, 1981, AFC Divisional Playoff game between the Cleveland Browns and the Oakland Raiders will forever be etched in NFL lore, not just for the frigid temperatures – one of the coldest games ever played – but for a heartbreaking finish. A tightly contested game saw the Raiders hold a narrow 7-6 lead at halftime. In the fourth quarter, the Raiders extended their advantage with a touchdown drive capped by Mark van Eeghen's second rushing score.

(Image credit: en.wikipedia.org, upload.wikimedia.org)

With time running out, the Browns, led by quarterback Brian Sipe, mounted a desperate comeback. Driving deep into Raiders territory, the Browns faced a crucial decision. Coach Sam Rutigliano, in an attempt to avoid a risky field goal attempt, called for "Red Right 88," a passing play with instructions to throw the ball away if no one was open. However, Sipe, under pressure, threw the ball towards Ozzie Newsome. The pass, unfortunately, was intercepted in the end zone by Raiders safety Mike Davis, sealing Oakland's victory and shattering the hopes of the Browns and their fans.

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About "January 4, 1981 - The Red...Game" 🡃
Category:Football History
Football Month:January History
Football Team:Las Vegas Raiders, Oakland Raiders
Football:Greatest NFL Games
#FootballHistory #JanuaryHistory #LasVegasRaiders #OaklandRaiders #GreatestNFLGames

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