
Football By Numbers

Famous NFL Players That Wore the Jersey Number 35 | Throughout the rich tapestry of NFL history, certain jersey numbers have become synonymous with greatness, worn by players who have etched their names into the league's folklore. Among these iconic digits, the number 35 stands as a testament to the versatility, grit, and sheer talent of those who have donned it.

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Football By Numbers

Famous NFL Players That Wore the Jersey Number 35

By Darin Hayes 📅 2025-02-21
Throughout the rich tapestry of NFL history, certain jersey numbers have become synonymous with greatness, worn by players who have etched their names into the league's folklore. Among these iconic digits, the number 35 stands as a testament to the versatility, grit, and sheer talent of those who have donned it.

(Image credit: upload.wikimedia.org)

The Image of Willie Parker runs the ball while Dan Kreider and Max Starks block 11/26/2006 courtesy of Keith Allison comes via Wikimedia Commons.

In this series, we embark on a journey through time, spotlighting the NFL's most exceptional players who proudly sported the number 35. From game-changing running backs who bulldozed their way through defenses to ball-hawking safeties who patrolled the secondary with unmatched prowess, these athletes represent the pinnacle of their respective positions.

Join us as we delve into the remarkable careers of these gridiron legends, reliving their most memorable moments and celebrating their enduring impact on the game we love. Through captivating stories and insightful analysis, we'll uncover what made these players so special, solidifying their place among the NFL's elite.

NFL Jersey:Number 35
Sub-Category:About Sports, College HOF, Football Hall of Fame, Football Legend
Football:jersey history

About "Famous NFL Players That W...er 35" 🡃
Category:Football By Numbers
DOB:March 27
EventDay:March 27
NCAAF Jersey:Number 42, Number 59
NFL Jersey:Number 27, Number 34, Number 35, Number 36, Number 38, Number 39, Number 40, Number 41, Number 42, Number 51, Number 60, Number 62, Number 78
Sub-Category:About Sports, College HOF, Football Hall of Fame, Football Legend
Football Month:February History
Football Name:Aeneas Williams, Alex Agase, Bob Dove, Cal Hubbard, Earl Campbell
Football Position:cornerback, defensive end, end, head coach, linebacker
Football Team:Arizona Cardinals, Baltimore Colts, Chicago Cardinals, Chicago Rockets, Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Oilers, Illinois Fighting Illini, Illinois Illini, India, Los Angeles Rams, New Orleans Saints, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Phoenix Cardinals, St. Louis Rams, Tennessee Titans
Football:jersey history
Sports:College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame, football, pro football
Other Keywords:Centenary College, Texas Longhorns
#FootballByNumbers #AboutSports #CollegeHOF #FootballHallOfFame #FootballLegend #FebruaryHistory #AeneasWilliams #AlexAgase #BobDove #CalHubbard #EarlCampbell #DefensiveEnd #HeadCoach #ArizonaCardinals #BaltimoreColts #ChicagoCardinals #ChicagoRockets #ClevelandBrowns #DetroitLions #HoustonOilers #IllinoisFightingIllini #IllinoisIllini #LosAngelesRams #NewOrleansSaints #NotreDameFightingIrish #PhoenixCardinals #StLouisRams #TennesseeTitans #JerseyHistory #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame #ProFootball

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