
College Football Programs

USC Trojans Football Program History | From the sun-drenched fields of Los Angeles to the pantheon of college football royalty, the USC Trojans have carved their legend across generations. This series delves into the rich tapestry of USC football, a story woven with triumphs and challenges, iconic players, and legendary coaches.

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College Football Programs

USC Trojans Football Program History

By Darin Hayes 📅 2025-03-10
From the sun-drenched fields of Los Angeles to the pantheon of college football royalty, the USC Trojans have carved their legend across generations. This series delves into the rich tapestry of USC football, a story woven with triumphs and challenges, iconic players, and legendary coaches.

(Image credit: usctrojans.com)

Prepare to embark on a historical odyssey. We'll explore the program's early days and rise to national prominence under pioneering coaches like Howard Jones and John McKay. We'll relive the dynasties of the 1970s and 2000s, with superstars like O.J. Simpson, Marcus Allen, Reggie Bush, and Matt Leinart etching their names in Trojan lore.

But this journey isn't just about victories and championships. We'll delve into the eras of adversity, the coaching changes, and the program's evolution through the decades. We'll meet the unsung heroes, the passionate fans, and the unique traditions that define "Trojan Football."

Join us as we unearth the stories that have shaped this iconic program. Whether you're a die-hard Trojan fan or simply a lover of college football history, this series promises a captivating exploration of Fight On spirit, Trojan grit, and the enduring legacy of USC football.

Conference:Big 10
Sub-Category:About Sports, Coaches, College Bowl Games, College Football, College HOF, Football Archaeology, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Greatest College Games
Football Team:USC Trojans
  • Red Badgro Born December 1, 1902 - Ordiliia, Washington - Morris “Red” Badgro the legendary USC end arrived on scene of life. Red was known for his sure tackling , solid blocking and great hands at USC and had a couple of options after school was over because according to his bio on the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s website, Red was a 3 sport star for the USC Trojans.  You see Red Badgro was also a talented baseball player as well and he teetered back and forth as to which sport he should play professionally. First stop was in football as he played with Red Grange on the NY Yankees football team. After one season on the gridiron he played a couple years on the diamond with baseball’s  St. Louis Browns. His love for football was too much though as 1930 saw him back in pads playing for the New York Giants. His contributions on offense and defense were significant to some big Giants victories including a key blocked punt against the Boston Redskins in 1935 that he took in for a touchdown. The Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrined Red Badgro in 1991. - 2023-12-01 - Go to Page ► -TOC

  • About "USC Trojans Football Prog...story" 🡃
    Category:College Football Programs
    Conference:Big 10
    EventDay:March 26
    NCAAF Jersey:Number 02, Number 17, Number 22, Number 33, Number 71, Number 79
    NFL Jersey:Number 32, Number 43, Number 71, Number 74, Number 77, Number 88
    Sub-Category:About Sports, Coaches, College Bowl Games, College Football, College HOF, Football Archaeology, Football Hall of Fame, Football History, Greatest College Games
    College Football:helmet history, logo history
    Football Name:Brad Budde, Erny Pinkert, Lynn Swann, Marcus Allen, Morley Drury, Red Badgro, Ron Mix, Tony Boselli, Troy Polamalu
    Football Position:left tackle, quarterback, safety, tackle
    Football Team:Jacksonville Jaguars, Kansas City Chiefs, Las Vegas Raiders, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Raiders, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, San Diego Chargers, USC Trojans
    Football:Heisman winner, Super Bowl MVP
    Sports:College Football Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame, college football, football, pro football
    Other Keywords:Pro Football Hall of Fame
    #CollegeFootballPrograms #AboutSports #CollegeBowlGames #CollegeFootball #CollegeHOF #FootballArchaeology #FootballHallOfFame #FootballHistory #GreatestCollegeGames #HelmetHistory #LogoHistory #BradBudde #ErnyPinkert #LynnSwann #MarcusAllen #MorleyDrury #RedBadgro #RonMix #TonyBoselli #TroyPolamalu #LeftTackle #JacksonvilleJaguars #KansasCityChiefs #LasVegasRaiders #LosAngelesChargers #LosAngelesRaiders #NotreDameFightingIrish #PhiladelphiaEagles #PittsburghSteelers #SanDiegoChargers #USCTrojans #HeismanWinner #SuperBowlMVP #CollegeFootballHallOfFame #ProFootballHallOfFame #CollegeFootball #ProFootball

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